Do I have to take the B2 level of Croatian language exam?
Depending on the requirements by a higher education institution for particular study programs, the candidates who do not have a Croatian citizenship may be obliged to pass the Croatian language exam on B2 level, which is visible in published requirements for the study programs. The exam will be taken in July 2025, and the exact date will be written under the option Moj raspored ('My schedule').
Recognition of secondary education qualification
Do I have to go through the process of recognition of my secondary education qualification?
Yes, you do need to go through the process of recognition of your secondary education qualification.
The procedure of recognition of foreign secondary education qualification on finished secondary education which is part of general, grammar school or art school study programs with the purpose of continuance of education is run by the Central Admissions Office. The procedure of recognition of foreign secondary education qualification on finished secondary education which is part of vocational programs run by the Central Admissions Office.
State Matura exams
Am I obliged to take Croatian state matura exam?
Candidates who have completed their secondary education abroad are not obliged to take the state matura exam in Croatia, unless the higher education institution which they want to enrol explicitly set the mandatory threshold in a certain state graduation exam.
You are not obliged to pass the exams when the terms of enrolment have the following annotation: „*Prag ne vrijedi za kandidate koji su završili srednju školu prije 2010. godine ili izvan RH„ then the Croatian state matura exams is not necessary to take because the indicated thresholds do not apply to candidates who have completed secondary education outside of Croatia.
Will you recognize my externally evaluated exam, or do I have to take the Croatian state matura exam?
To those candidates who have finished their secondary education with the externally evaluated exam, the results of that exam will be recognized instead of the same Croatian matura exams.
Will you recognize my externally evaluated native language exam instead of the Croatian language exam of the Croatian state matura?
The candidates who have a citizenship of one of the European Union members may have, depending on the higher education institution's requirements for particular study programs, their native language, which they had passed as part of the final externally evaluated exam, acknowledged instead of the Croatian state matura exam in Croatian language.
All documents need to be sent by registered post to the address: Agencija za znanost i visoko obrazovanje, Središnji prijavni ured, Donje Svetice 38, 10000 Zagreb. The list of documents can be seen on in the category All about applications/I have finished my secondary education abroad/Documents.
What is the deadline for delivering documents required for application process?
Documents need to be sent in accordance with the deadlines for sending to each enrolment period. Deadlines for sending documents are available in the menu Calendar on the website
Should the documents be translated?
All documents that are not in Croatian language must be certified by the court interpreter. Validated copies of report cards in Serbian, Montenegrian or Bosnian Latin script, as well as those in English, are an exception. These report cards do not need to be translated by a certified court interpreter but must only be validated by a notary public.
I have already sent documents for the previous deadline for applying, do I have to re-send them?
If you have already sent the documents in any of the previous enrolment deadlines and your personal data and ratings were verified in the system, you are not required to re-submit the documentation.
I have dual citizenship, how do I sign up?
Candidates who have dual citizenship of which one is Croatian are obligated to register into the system as Croatian citizens.
Candidates who have dual citizenship of which neither is Croatian are obligated to register into the system under one of their citizenships and they may not change it within one calendar year.
Candidates who have citizenship in one of the European Union member countries have the same rights as Croatian citizens and compete together on the same rankings.
I. How to register?
1. Have you already registered and activated your profile?
Register by clicking on the link Register on the web site using the user information received during registration or activation.
1a. Activation – what is activation and who must activate his profile?
This applies only for candidates who completed their high school education after 2009 in the formal education system and have not yet activated their profile. It is only necessary to activate a profile once.
After inputting the data necessary for activation (old TAN, OIB, and mobile phone number) candidates will receive their user information in a text message on the mobile phone inputted into the system.
1d. Was the activation unsuccessful?
It is necessary to verify the accuracy of the data inputted (TAN, OIB, and mobile phone number). Candidates who changed their mobile phone number must complete the form for change of mobile phone number. This form is found on the web site under the section on Frequently asked questions (FAQ) in the category 2. Problems with user information.
2. Registration – what is registration and who must register?
This applies only for candidates who completed their high school education before 2010, candidates who completed an adult education programme, and candidates who completed their high school education abroad. It is only necessary to register once.
Candidates with a number issued by a Croatian mobile phone provider
Send a text message with the content OPET to the number 666555 from the phone inputted into the system (cost of text message is 3.72 kn, VAT included)
Candidates with a number issued by a mobile phone provider in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Send a text message with the content OPET to the number 091/610-702 from the phone inputted into the system (cost of text message is 1.40 KM, VAT included)
Candidates with a number issued by a mobile phone provider in another country
*after correctly completing the request form, the candidate will receive a notification on further steps at the e-mail address listed on the request form.
2. Candidate has changed his mobile phone number
Candidates who are applying for Croatian state matura
Candidateswho are applying only for study programmes
Candidates with a number issued by a Croatian mobile phone provider
*after correctly completing the request form, the candidate will receive a notification on further steps at the e-mail address listed on the request form.
3. Candidate has incorrect user data
For candidates with user data who are unable to log in to the system on the web site and receive an error message:
- contact the National Centre for External Evaluation of Education at their Info centre phone number 01/4501-899 (for candidates who are applying for Croatian state matura)
- contact the Central Admissions Office at the phone number 01/6274-844 (for candidates who are applying only for study programmes).
III. Technical issues with using the system that concerns application for undergraduate study programmes
Candidates who have experienced issues with using the system should try to switch to a different browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari...) when attempting to log in to the system on the web site Also, the system does not support access via mobile devices. Therefore, it is necessary to use personal computer.
1. The candidate still continues to experience issues with using the system?
If the technical problem with using the system persists, candidates must contact the National Centre for External Evaluation of Education at their Info centre phone number 01/4501-899 (for candidates who are applying for Croatian state matura) or the Central Admissions Office at the phone number 01/6274-844 (for candidates who are applying only for study programmes)
1a. Are grades missing from the system?
Candidates who are graduating in the current academic year must contact the National Centre for External Evaluation of Education concerning the grades missing from the system.
Candidates who completed their high school education between 2010 and 2024 must log out and then log back in to the system, if grades are missing or incomplete.
If the grades are still missing after the candidate has logged back into the system, it is necessary to contact:
- the National Centre for External Evaluation of Education at their Info centre phone number 01/4501-899 (for candidates who are applying for Croatian state matura)
- contact the Central Admissions Office at the phone number 01/6274-844 (for candidates who are applying only for study programmes)
2. The candidate has a different technical issue
If the technical problem with using the system persists, candidates must contact the National Centre for External Evaluation of Education at their Info centre phone number 01/4501-899 (for candidates who are applying for Croatian state matura) or the Central Admissions Office at the phone number 01/6274-844 (for candidates who are applying only for study programmes)
IV. Submitting documentation
Candidates who are applying for Croatian state matura must send documents to the following address: National Centre for External Evaluation of Education, Damira Tomljanovića Gavrana 11, 10020 Zagreb – Novi Zagreb. Candidates who are not applying for Croatian state matura must send documents to the following address: Agencija za znanost i visoko obrazovanje, Središnji prijavni ured, Donje svetice 38/5, 10000 Zagreb.
1. Do candidates need to certify the documents?
Documents sent in paper form must be certified.
If documents are sent in a digital form, they must have either a digital signature of digital stamp.
Documents not written in either Croatian or English language for candidates that finished their secondary education outside of EU must be translated by a court interpreter. Documents in English language, Bosnian, Montenegrian and Serbian Latin alphabet for candidates that finished their secondary education outside of EU can be verified by a public notary since those documents do not have to be translated. Also, documents by candidates that finished their secondary education in EU do not have to be translated – instead, it is sufficient for them to be certified by a public notary.
2. May candidates submit original documents?
No. Documents must be verified copies. Candidates need their original documents in order to enrol at a higher education institution. The Central Admissions Officedoes not return documents to candidates who apply via NISpVU because they need to remain in the Central Admissions Officee archives.
3. Do candidates need to resend documents they have already sent?
No. Documents that were submitted during a previous enrolment period do not need to be resent because the candidate’s personal details and grades remain verified in the system.
4. Do candidates who completed their high school education in the former Yugoslavia need to send verified copies of their indices if they do not possess report cards for every grade?
Candidates who completed their high school education in the former Yugoslavia and do not possess report cards for every grade may send verified copies of their indices for every grade for which they do not possess a report card. Such documents must be verified copies.
All copies of documents must be verified by a notary public or by the high school in which the candidate was enrolled (or its legal successor).
5. What is the deadline for submitting documents?
The deadline for submitting documents is found on the web site by clicking on the Calendar window. Documents submitted after the listed deadline will not be considered as valid.
6. When will grades be verified?
Documents are processed in the order of arrival, and all grades are verified prior to the listing of final rankings for enrolment at higher education institutions
Candidates whose personal details and grades remain unverifiedprior to the listing of final rankings must contact in due time the institution to which the documents have been sent.
If a candidate’s personal details and grades remain unverified after the listing of final rankings, either the documents were incomplete or not sent prior to the deadline.
7. May candidates apply for study programmes prior to sending the necessary documents?
Yes. The deadline for applying for study programmes differs from the deadline for submitting documents, i.e. it is not required to submit documents prior to applying for study programmes. It is highly recommended to keep track of deadlines that are listed on the link Calendar.
You can apply for a desired study program only if you have at least one grade entered for each of the four years on your user profile. You may enter the provisional grades; they will be corrected once your documents arrive.
8. What documents are necessary to send for candidates who have completed their high school education abroad?
Candidates who completed their high school education abroad must submit the following documents by priority mail to the address Agencija za znanost i visoko obrazovanje, Središnji prijavni ured, Donje Svetice 38/V, 10000 Zagreb. This does not apply to candidates who completed their high school education Bosnia & Herzegovina.
Proof of a candidate’s citizenship: candidates who are Croatian citizens must submit a copy of their certificate of citizenship, while foreign nationals must submit a verified copy of their passport.
Proof of completion of a candidate’s last four school years: candidates must submit copies of their report cards for each grade translated into Croatian language in Latin script and verified by a court interpreter.
Candidates must submit a copy of their final report card translated into Croatian language in Latin script and verified by a court interpreter.
Candidates must submit a copy of their proof of external evaluation translated into Croatian language in Latin script and verified by a court interpreter (if applicable).
9. Do candidates always need to translate documents in a foreign language into Croatian language?
Report cards for each grade, final report cards, and results of completed external evaluation (if applicable) must always be translated either into Croatian or English language by a court interpreter for all candidates that have finished their secondary education outside of EU. This also applies for documents in Serbian Cyrillic script. Documents by candidates that finished their secondary education in EU do not have to be translated – instead, it is sufficient for them to be certified by a public notary.
10. Does a notary public need to verify documents that have already been translated and verified by a court interpreter?
No. Documents that have been translated and verified by a court interpreter and have a seal of approval do not need to be additionally verified and sealed by a notary public.
11. What happens if candidates have completed their high school education abroad but are unable to fully submit their documents within the stipulated time frame due to belatedly receiving their final report card (e.g. due to a different academic calendar)?
Candidates who have completed their high school education abroad and wish to compete for undergraduate study programmes in the summer term, but are unable to fully submit their documents within the stipulated time frame due to belatedly receiving their final report card (e.g. due to a different academic calendar), must submit all required documents that they possess before the deadline to the Central Admissions Office. Documents which are lacking may be submitted belatedly. The candidate will be able to apply for the desired study programme in the fall term if the higher education institution gives its approval. The prerequisite for application is that the candidate has attained at minimum the same number of points as the candidate with the lowest number of points within quota in the summer term (among candidates without priority of enrolment). Candidates have a duty to become informed on such a possibility at the higher education institution for whose study programme they wish to apply. The higher education institution reserves the right to deny a candidate’s request.
V. Priority of enrolment when applying
Candidates who have priority of enrolment when applying will be able to apply for study programmes regardless of their position in the rankings, provided they have met all the prerequisites of the desired study programme.
1. May candidates with a physical disability (invalidity) have priority of enrolment when applying?
Yes, if the candidate has sixty percent (60%) or more physical disability (invalidity) or if the candidate has 2nd to 4th degree of severity of disability in accordance with the ‘List of Severity and Types of Disabilities - Impairment of Functional Abilities’, with disabilities whose impairments are on the ‘List of Organism Impairments - List I’ (according to the Findings and opinion of the Institute for expertise, professional rehabilitation and employment of people with disabilities) provided they have met all the prerequisites of the desired study programme.
1a. Who issues the document (evidence) on invalidity?
Sixty percent (60%) or more physical disability (invalidity) is proven with a document on invalidity issued by the Croatian Pension Insurance Institute.
2. Do candidates who completed their high school education prior to 2010 need to take the Croatian state matura in order to have priority of enrolment when applying?
Yes. All candidates who wish to have priority of enrolment must pass all exams of the Croatian state matura that are prerequisites of the desired study programme.
3. How do candidates know if the Central Admissions Office has received the document on priority of enrolment?
Candidates may check the status of their submitted documents at any time on the web site on the menu Moji podaci/Zaprimljeni dokumenti. When the priority of enrolment is administered into the system, its category and status is written on the menu Moji podaci/Zaprimljeni dokumenti (but only if the document is valid).
4. Do Croatian citizens returning from abroad or members of the Croatian diaspora receive special treatment during the application process?
No. There is no special treatment or criteria for Croatian citizens returning from abroad or members of the Croatian diaspora who are applying for study programmes. These candidates must meet the same criteria as those candidates who completed their high school education abroad.
5. Sending the OIB for checking of physical disability
Due to the connectivity between the Register of individuals with disabilities and the National information system for applications to higher education institutions (NISaHEI), candidates who possess a certain percentage or degree of physical disability no longer need to send proof of their disability to the Central Admissions Office. It is necessary to fill the form via the web site and on the link FAQ / V. Priority of enrolment when applying / Sending the OIB for checking of physical disability. The Central Admissions Office will input the priority of enrolment into the NISaHEI system for all those candidates for which it is proven that they have sixty per cent or greater physical disability as well as those candidates with 2nd-4th degree disability according to the „List of degrees and types of disability – damages to functional capacities“, with disabilities for which damages are found on the „List of damages to the organism – List I.“. It is necessary to fill the form according to the deadlines stipulated in the Calendar.
VI. Possible unclarities regarding points and rankings
1. How is a candidate’s result multiplied by the coefficient 1.6?
The maximal possible exam result is 100% for both A and B level. A level is more demanding than B level. For this reason, the exam result achieved on A level is multiplied by the coefficient 1.6.
number of points = result * maximal possible number of points/maximal possible result
result - percentage of correct answers on the exam of Croatian state matura, that is multiplied by the coefficient 1.6 in certain cases maximal possible number of points - maximal number of points that a candidate is able to achieve by taking a particular exam of Croatian state matura when applying for a particular study programme (e.g. 20% = 200 points) maximal possible result - maximal possible percentage of correct answers on a particular exam of Croatian state matura when applying for a particular study programme (100 or 160)*
Prerequisite of higher education institution – required exam level
Exam level that candidates takes
Multiplying percentage of correct answers by the coefficient 1.6
Maximal possible result*
*the exam result (percentage of correct answers) achieved on the higher level (A) is recalculated into the basic level (B) by multiplying it by the coefficient 1.6. It is possible to achieve a maximum of 100% of points on both exams. 100% of points on the higher level (A) are recalculated as 160% of points on the basic level (B) (because A level is more demanding than B level), thus the maximal possible result that can be achieved by a candidate on this exam is 160%.
During the recalculation process the grade that a candidate achieves does not change (e.g. if a candidate achieves a grade of 3 on A level, that grade is retained, unless the prerequisite of the higher education institution is B level, then the percentage of correct answers achieved is multiplied by 1.6).
2. Does a grade of insufficient (1) achieved on higher level (A) get recalculated on basic level (B)?
No. Exams graded as insufficient (1) are considered failed regardless of the exam level.
3. Why are points for candidates who have completed more than one high school not added up?
Candidates must submit proof of completions of more than one high school to the higher education institution for further consideration. The higher education institution inputs the additional points into the system upon their decision.
4. How is the grade point average (GPA) required for application calculated?
The GPA is calculated by adding up each of the candidate’s grades during high school and dividing this sum by the number of grades.
5. Why do candidates who are within quota on more than one study programme not able to see their ranking for every study programme?
Each candidate may only see his ranking (code) on the list for the study programme that is momentarily his top priority in which he is within quota (YES) and on the list for each study programme that is of a higher priority. This ranking is updated every hour meaning that the list is fluctuating until the final deadline when it becomes locked.
The candidate is unable to see his ranking (code) on the list for each study programme that is of a lower priority, but it is possible to see his ranking according to points earned, and may take this ranking into consideration for making changes to his list of priorities.
6. Why do candidates who applied for a double major see their ranking on the list for one study programme but not on the list for the other one?
In order for a candidate to see his ranking on a double major, it is necessary to be within quota for at least two compatible study programmes at the same higher education institution.
7. For how many study programmes may a candidate achieve the right of enrolment?
A candidate may achieve the right of enrolment on one single major study programme or two double major study programmes. The right of enrolment is achieved on the highest study programme on the candidate’s list of priorities for which he is within quota (YES).
8. Will candidates need to pay punitive costs to the higher education institution if he does not remove the study programmes (except the programme for which he has achieved the right of enrolment) from his list of priorities?
Payment of punitive costs may apply only for the programme for which a candidate has achieved the right of enrolment and received an enrolment number but has not signed up for the programme. Possibility of punitive costs is decided by the higher education institution. For this reason it is of utmost importance to remove from the candidate’s list of priorities all those study programmes which he has no intention of studying.
If a candidate enrols in any one study programme on his list of priorities, he does not need to remove other study programmes from his list of priorities.
9. Why do candidates get automatically signed up for exams of Croatian state matura upon signing up for study programmes?
Candidates get automatically signed up for exams of Croatian state matura upon signing up for study programmes. If the candidate has already passed Croatian state matura exams and has no intention of taking them again (this applies to candidates who completed their high school education between years 2010 and 2024) or the candidate is not obligated to take Croatian state matura exams (this applies to candidates who completed their high school education prior to 2010 or abroad), he must delete these exams by clicking on the Delete option in the Moj odabir menu.
10. How may candidates find information on which higher education institutions have special enrolment quotas for candidates above 24 years of age?
Such candidates should contact each individual higher education institution of interest and inquire about the existence of special enrolment quotas for candidates who completed their high school education prior to 2010.
11. What is the deadline for signing up for study programmes?
Candidates should pay attention to the deadline for signing up for study programmes listed on the web site on the Studiji menu.
For study programmes with an earlier deadline for signing up, the date may be found in the detailed description of each study programme on the Studiji menu.
For study programmes without a fixed deadline, the candidate may sign up until the very end of the application period.
Paying attention to the deadline is of utmost importance so that candidates do not remove study programmes with an earlier deadline for signing up from their list of priorities. The reason for this is because the candidate will no longer be able to sign up after the earlier deadline has passed.
12. Do candidates need to remove from their list of priorities all except one study programme prior to the forming of final rankings?
Candidates should remove only those study programmes for which they are sure they do not wish to sign up. Candidates who leave all study programmes on their list of priorities must be prepared to sign up for any one of those study programmes.
13. Will the results of additional skills and knowledge tests achieved during the summer sign up period still be valid during the fall sign up period (in case the candidate does not successfully apply in summer term and wishes to reapply in fall term)?
The results of additional skills and knowledge tests are within the jurisdiction of higher education institutions. Thus, all further questions concerning this topic should be addressed to the particular higher education institutions.
14. May the Central Admissions Office enable direct enrolment to a particular higher education institution?
No. The Central Admissions Office may not recommend a candidate or enable direct enrolment to a particular higher education institution for a candidate who has not achieved enrolment via NISpVU.The Central Admissions Office only has jurisdiction concerning the application process and forming the final rankings. It does not have jurisdiction concerning sign ups at higher education institutions.
15. May candidates compete for their desired study programme if they do not meet the prerequisites of having taken a particular subject for the duration of 2 years during their high school education?
Candidates who lack prerequisites listed on for a particular study programme may not compete for enrolment.
Candidates must change their education programme if they wish to compete for a study programme that has an eliminatory prerequisite of having taken a particular subject for the duration of 2 years during their high school education.
They must pass all high school class exams of a new education programme and receive confirmation by the teacher’s council as well as confirmation within the adult education system.
For further information contact the Department for Education and Care within the Ministry of Science and Education.
16. How will candidates who completed their high school education abroad be ranked? Are their separate rankings for members of the Croatian diaspora?
Two final rankings are existent:
one ranking for candidates who have either Croatian citizenship or citizenship in any other European Union country;
one ranking for candidates who have citizenship in a country outside the European Union.
All candidates who have dual citizenship, of which one is Croatian, are obligated to register into the system as Croatian citizens.
No special rankings exist for members of the Croatian diaspora.
17. Do candidates who completed their high school education outside Croatia need to pass exams from a field of additional knowledge, skills and abilities tests?
Yes. Candidates who completed their high school education outside Croatia are obligated to pass all required exams from additional knowledge, skills and abilities tests stipulated by the higher education institution for the study programme the candidate wishes to apply for.
VII. Obligation for passing of Croatian state matura
1. Who is obligated to pass the Croatian state matura ?
For completion of four-year education programme
For enrolment at a higher education institution
Candidates who are completing their high school education in the current year in Croatia
Candidates attending gymnasium programmes
Candidates attending schools with at least four-year vocational or art programmes
Candidates attending gymnasium programmes in the adult educational system
Candidates attending schools with at least four-year vocational or art programmes in the adult educational system
Candidates who completed their high school education during 2010 or after 2010
All candidates who have completed at least a four-year high school education
Candidates who completed their high school education prior to 2010 or abroad
All candidates who have completed at least a four-year high school education
Candidates who are completing their high school education abroad
All candidates who are enrolled in the final year of at least a four-year high school education
*in case candidates have not already passed exams of Croatian state matura
**candidates who do not pass exams of Croatian state matura do not gain points from these exams. Candidates who are completing or have completed their high school education with an externally evaluated final exam will have the results of that exam taken into account instead of equivalent exams of Croatian state matura.
2. Are candidates obligated to take exams of Croatian state matura if they completed their four-year high school education prior to 2010?
No, unless the higher education institution has stipulated as part of its prerequisites that a candidate must achieve a result above a particular threshold in terms of overall points and on the Croatian state matura exam. Candidates may check the prerequisites on the web site to see whether or not thresholds exist for enrolment in a particular higher education institution. If those thresholds do not exist for a candidate’s desired study programme, then candidates may compete based on their grades in high school, special accomplishments (if applicable) and results of additional knowledge tests that are conducted by higher education institutions.
3. Do candidates who are not obligated to take exams of Croatian state matura, but still decide to take them, need to pass all exams of Croatian state matura that are stipulated by the higher education institution as a requirement, or only the desired exams?
Candidates who completed their high school education prior to 2010 may take any number of mandatory or elective exams of Croatian state matura (any combination of exams – one exam, two exams, multiple exams or all exams), depending on the stipulated requirements of higher education institutions for each particular study programme, in order to be more competitive and achieve additional points from that part of the evaluation.
4. Do candidates who completed their high school education prior to 2010 need to meet thresholds for particular exams of Croatian state matura stipulated in the requirements for enrolment in the desired study programme?
Yes, those candidates are obligated to pass these exams in these cases. Exceptions are cases in which there is a reference underneath the stipulated requirements for exams of Croatian state matura that states: “The threshold does not apply for candidates who completed their high school education prior to 2010 or abroad”. If so, candidates are not obligated to pass these exams because the stipulated thresholds do not apply for them.
On the web site candidates may find out in the detailed description for every study programme in the Study Programmes drop-down menu if thresholds have been stipulated for particular exams of Croatian state matura required for enrolment at the desired higher education institution.
5. May candidates who passed matura prior to 2010 receive points upon enrolment to higher education institutions?
No, candidates do not receive points for matura passed prior to academic year 2009/2010 upon enrolment (i.e. matura may not replace Croatian state matura)
6. Do candidates need to re-take exams of Croatian state matura which they have already once passed?
No. Results of Croatian state matura are permanent. Candidates do not need to re-take Croatian state matura if they are satisfied with their results and have met all the requirements for application to their desired study programme..
However, if a candidate is not satisfied with his result, he may re-take the Croatian state matura if he wishes, but must bear in mind that only the most recent result will be taken into consideration.
7. Are candidates who completed their high school education abroad obligated to take the Croatian state matura exams?
No, except for cases in which the higher education institution has set thresholds for particular exams of Croatian state matura and have stipulated that candidates who completed their high school education abroad are required to pass these exams.
Candidates who completed their high school education abroad in a country that has an established system of external evaluation of final exams for high school education may receive recognition for the results of these exams as equivalent to Croatian state matura (if comparable). However, candidates must meet all other requirements stipulated by the higher education institution.
Candidates who completed their high school education abroad in a country that does not have an established system of external evaluation of final exams for high school education may take exams of Croatian state matura on subjects whose results are taken into account when ranking candidates for enrolment to study programmes. Candidates may apply for a study programme regardless of whether or not they have passed Croatian state matura. However, in that case they will not receive points for that part of the evaluation.
8. May candidates who have re-taken Croatian state matura and who are not satisfied with this year’s result, have the option to use last year’s (better) result instead?
Candidates who have taken Croatian state matura more than once will have their points calculated on the basis of the best result achieved during the last calendar year, and the Central Admissions Office is not able to recognise any other result.
Candidates may check which of the results will be recognised for enrolment to study programmes on the web site in the drop-down menu All about applications/Marking for enrolment to study programmes/Marking of Croatian state matura exams.
9. Which institution must candidates contact to receive the certificate of passing of Croatian state matura exams?
The National Centre for External Evaluation of Education (NCEEE) has jurisdiction for publishing report cards and certificates of passing of Croatian state matura exams at the conclusion of the exam period.
Candidates may contact the NCEEE for any and all further information at their Info Centre phone number +385 1 4501 899 or at their e-mail address
10. Do passed exams of Croatian state matura have an expiration date?
No, they do not.
11. What is the procedure for candidates who completed their high school education abroad and wish to apply for a study programme in Croatia that valuates a particular exam of Croatian state matura which they did not pass, either as part of Croatian state matura or as a part of their external evaluation abroad?
Candidates will have the opportunity to apply for their desired study programme, as long as they have met all the required prerequisites for application. However, they will be unable to achieve points for the exam of Croatian state matura which they did not pass and which is valuated by the higher education institution. In case the higher education institution has set a particular threshold as a requirement for enrolment in a study programme, candidates are obligated to pass the part of Croatian state matura that is necessary for that study programme, or the equivalent exam as part of their externally evaluated final exam.
12. May an externally evaluated foreign language final exam replace the Croatian language part of Croatian state matura?
Candidates who have citizenship in one of the European Union member countries may replace the Croatian language part of Croatian state matura with the first language as part of their externally evaluated final exam.
13. May a course taken during high school replace Croatian state matura for that very same subject?
No. A grade achieved in a particular high school course may not be recognised as equivalent to Croatian state matura.
14. May an exam taken during a foreign language course replace the Croatian state matura for that very same language?
No. A foreign language course may not be recognised as equivalent to Croatian state matura.
VIII. Special achievements
1. Why are candidates’ special achievements (state competitions, international competitions, sporting classifications, etc.) not yet entered into the system?
Sporting classifications, state and international knowledge competitions will be entered into the system automatically during June and July for the summer enrolment period, and up until the middle of September for the fall enrolment period. It is not necessary to send evidence of achievement, with the exception of candidates who achieved results in state knowledge competitions prior to 2010.
Sporting classifications must be valid on the date of publication of the final ranking lists for study programmes in order for them to be entered into the system.
Data on city, county and regional competitions valuated by some higher education institutions are entered into the system by the higher education institutions themselves. Candidates are obligated to submit evidence of participation in competitions by the deadline stipulated by the higher education institution. In case of inaccurate or incomplete data the candidate must contact the higher education institution to which the evidence has been submitted.
In case of inaccurate or incomplete data after the deadlines stipulated on the web site in the menu All about applications/Special achievements, the candidate must contact the Central Admissions Office at the phone number +385 1 6274 844 or in the form below:
IX. Candidate is currently enrolled but wishes to change study programme It is necessary to obtain information directly from the higher education institution in due time.
1. Has the candidate been directed by the higher education institution to apply via the web site
If so, the candidate may log into the system with his user information and apply for study programme(s) via the menu My choice.
2. Does a candidate first need to disenrol from the study programme in which he is currently enrolled?
No. The candidate should remain enrolled until publication of the final ranking lists for study programmes. Only in case he has achieved enrolment in a new, desired study programme may he conduct the process of disenrolment.
3. May a candidate be enrolled in two higher education institutions as a full-time student?
Simultaneous full-time enrolment in more than one study programme is regulated by higher education institution legislation.
4. May a candidate enrol more than once as a full-time student without paying tuition?
Candidates should contact either the Ministry of Education or their desired higher education institution for any and all information related to paying tuition.
5. What is the deadline for application to study programmes?
The deadline is stipulated in the Calendar. Exceptions are study programmes with an earlier application deadline. Their deadlines are regulated by higher education institution legislation.
X. Confirmations on enrolment in parallel studies or studies abroad
1. Do candidates need to obtain confirmation of number of points achieved and possible placement in the rankings in order to enrol in parallel studies?
Candidates who wish to enrol in both full-time and part-time study programmes must apply for both study programmes in such a way that the full-time study programme is of a higher priority than the part-time study programme.
After the publishing of final rankings, candidates must send a request for obtaining confirmation on placement via the form below. All fields must be filled in order for the form to be valid. It is necessary to fill in the name of the study programme for which confirmation is needed in the “Message” field.
2. Do candidates need to obtain confirmation of number of points achieved and possible placement in the rankings in order to study abroad?
Candidates must remove all study programmes from their list of priorities in which they are within quota by the deadline stipulated in the Calendar because the candidates have no intention of studying in Croatia.
After the publishing of final rankings, candidates must send a request for obtaining confirmation on placement via the form below. All fields must be filled in order for the form to be valid. It is necessary to fill in the name of the study programme for which confirmation is needed in the “Message” field.
XI. Younger candidates for application to art academies
Younger candidates who wish to apply for art academies should first complete registration into the system via the web site as a candidate who finished his high school education in Croatia prior to 2010.
The second step is to fill out the form below whose purpose is to verify data (instead of the prior method of sending evidence of citizenship to the Central Admissions Office).
Foreign citizens are obligated to submit evidence of citizenship by the deadline for application to study programmes that is visible on the web site when searching for study programmes.
The request may be sent up until the last day for submission of documentation for both the summer and fall enrolment periods (deadlines for submission of documentation are visible on the calendar on the web site If the higher education institution has set an earlier deadline for application to study programmes, candidates must send the request to the Central Admissions Office by that date.
Please write the key word ACADEMY in the “Message” field in the form.
XII. Queries related to application for graduate study programmes
Candidates with additional questions or suggestions, or those who need additional information related to application for graduate study programmes may send a query via the form below.
XIII. Technical problems/issues with the system related to application for graduate study programmes
Candidates who are experiencing technical problems/issues with the system should try to log in to the system on the web site using a different web browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari...).
If the problem persists, candidates should fill out the query and attach a print screen image in which the problem is visible.
XIV. Recognition of foreign education qualifications
1. I have completed my high school education in a European union member country and I have registered into the system Postani student, will I receive the decision on recognition of my foreign qualification via the post office?
No, Central Admissions Office does not send the decision on recognition of foreign qualifications for those candidates who have completed their high school education in a European union member country. Central Admissions Office marks the automatic recognition of the qualification on the user profile of the candidate in the system Postani student, which is visible to the coordinator of the higher education institution after publishing of the final rankings.
2. When must I send the request for recognition?
The request for recognition of foreign qualification with the purpose of enrollment at higher education institutions in the Republic of Croatia should be sent only after sending the complete list of required documents.
3. I have completed my high school education outside the European union, will I receive the certificate of recognition of my foreign qualification via the post office?
No, Central Admissions Office will send the certificate of recognition of your foreign qualification to the e-mail address which you provided on the online request for recognition.
4. I have sent the documents for recognition of my foreign education qualification, may I personally pick up my original documents?
Yes, it is possible to personally come to pick up the original documents on the premises of the Central Admissions Office at the address Donje Svetice 38, 10000 Zagreb, every working day between 9:00-11:00 a.m. and between 1:00-3:00 p.m. We kindly ask you to first set up an appointment with our office via the phone number +385 1 6274 844 or via the e-mail address or
5. I have sent the documents for recognition of my foreign education qualification, may another person come to pick up my original documents?
If you are unable to personally come to Zagreb to pick up your original documents then another person may come pick up the documents instead of you. The person may receive the original documents with presented ID card or passport. It is possible for the person to come to pick up the certificate and original documents on the premises of the Central Admissions Office at the address Donje Svetice 38, 10000 Zagreb, every working day between 9:00-11:00 a.m. and between 1:00-3:00 p.m. We kindly ask you to first set up an appointment with our office via the phone number +385 1 6274 844 or via the e-mail address or We also kindly ask you to provide the first and last name of the person who will come.
6. I have received my decision/certificate of recognition of my foreign education qualification, will I receive points on the rankings for Croatian state matura on the basis of this document?
You may receive points only if it is the case that you have completed your high school education in a country which conducts an externally evaluated exam that may be certified as equivalent to Croatian state matura. If you did not pass an externally evaluated exam your qualification is still accepted for continuation of your education in Croatia and you may compete for enrolment on higher education institutions. Exception are those study programmes for which the higher education institution has stipulated the elimination requirement that all candidates are obligated to pass mandatory exams of Croatian state matura.
For any other questions, suggestions, or additional information, fill out the form(s) below.